Awakening to a better us
This month has been a whirlwind of emotions as we gently ease ourselves from lockdown 3.0. The news has been peppered with a combination of hope that vaccination rollouts bring and the potentially lethal side effects of blood clots. We also followed the news on the plethora of variants, the human devastation in Brazil and now in India. Sadly, the tragedy is ongoing and humanity mourns. We feel helpless…It seems that we are rolled into a spiral of unknowns that often cloud our focus on the good things that life offers. Hence have kept a little silent to build my strength. I feel that we all need some time to journey inwards to find our centre. Perhaps this is what triggers our awakening of some sort.
Can we define awakening…
Does awakening have a definition or is it our individual journeys that trigger it? I feel that perhaps I have been a little slow in our spiritual growth, that it took losing many close loved ones in very quick successions to break me. Then again life is not a race, and it is better to grow than stagnate. I felt this strong need to break the facade and to step out of this illusion of having to create perfection or for having to be perfect. No one is perfect and no one should make you feel small for not being perfect.
I feel that perhaps once we realise that all we are is energy, we can create a life worth living for in soulful purpose, rather than just subjugating ourselves to the expectations of a warped society that dictates us to live in materialism. Our old rigid belief system needs to be shattered for us to be awake, we need to go through discomforts to grow. We need to heal from our traumas and heal at deeper ancestral levels. Often I allude this to the mysticism of Goddess Kali Ma
Kali Ma moments…
Often, Goddess Kali has been wrongly depicted as being the Goddess of Destruction. But what if it simply means that Kali Ma supports us to face the destruction of our old selves, to support our growth into better us? Earlier this year, I had the honour to attend a summit with some amazingly strong women, who represented archetypes of the various divine feminine. The one I personally identified the most with was Kali Ma and I truly feel we are going through a Kali Ma moments. 2020 was labelled as a wrecking ball of a year, I now feel 2021 is the year of reckoning.
And this is only the beginning as the world is going through a whole change, much beyond our control. The world demands us to change ourselves, to think differently, to slow down and function out of our comfort zones. Kali Ma asks of us to ditch out of our old skins and cut cords with our traumas, that have for too long, held us in rigidity. Perhaps, Kali Ma gives us a chance to recognise our healing is ongoing, that discomfort is an opportunity to heal from ancestral traumas and to give us a chance to create a better us.
Space in spirituality…
Perhaps, the stricter religious-based side of us would say that we are being punished somehow, punished for our propensity to destroy Mother Earth. I would refrain from such fearful paradigms and I choose to adopt a more spiritual one. Whatever this is, it is for our own soul growth. Witnessing the loss of so many souls, witnessing the pain, grieving for our old lives… wanting to reach out and living with empathy. It is not comfortable and we collectively pray for better times ahead whilst holding space for gratitude for Mother Earth and life’s beauty. We hold space for gratitude for all our relationships, good and less good alike, and continue to spiritually grow for a better us.
A year later and gently stepping out…
Just as 2021 is so far, Spring has been elusive in London. The sun is out, our open space is greener and budding with daffodils. Yet we are in single digits. This time last year we had an early summer, apt for a very first long lockdown. Overall it feels very strange that years have merged into one as we are still in unknown territories.
However, we feel a bit better equipped to deal with whatever comes next. We know that very little is in our hands, very little in our control. Hence we learn to let go and face our inner demons, we learn to face the discomfort and surrender to the experience. But in disarray, we helplessly watch the suffering in India just as we watched the suffering in Brazil before then. We hold space for love and healing for the sufferers.
Economic and social reset…
One wishes that there was a giant button out there to press to reset us all. One can only reset ourselves and our old thinking. We are all urged to search into ourselves for that reset button. Mentally many of us are in despair for better times and an exit door. Many countries face economic challenges are many are running out of ideas on how to avoid a crash landing.
Some harsher souls suggest we ought to crash to redesign a better economic future. I have no suggestions on such theories, but I can only suggest that an overhaul is much needed in many fields. What I studied is perhaps not so relevant to the younger cohorts, the way I was parented is for are no longer the way my children would want to be raised, the way we invest in the future may no longer be the same.
Should there be a common tax, a common basic salary, a handful of traded currencies? Sounds too much like ‘1984’ to me but who knows, perhaps there are some solutions in this wonderful piece of literature in the path to eradicating poverty. Do we forever adhere to politicising our social fabric or can we reset our politics? Sustainable capitalism, capitalism to enrich the many but not the very few? Rather than advocating strong crashes, should we not be opening ourselves to a reset way of thinking.
Life is not a race, no country is doing better than anyone in this fight. If anything this mighty virus has put us all on the starting block, but not to race and outwit one another. Spending our way out of recession is a sad symptom of a bigger virus: denial. Materialism and greed deny us this innate ability to serve and to be of service to others. Accumulate for the sake of building status is sadly a weak construct. I think of the Pharaohs who were buried with the ‘valuable relics’ only to be later displayed at the British Museum.
Hand in hand for humanity…
We hold space for each other and relearn to learn. We hold space for compassion not just for the ill but for us ALL. Humanity is in a deep reset mode and as in every change, we are a little in disarray. This rise in awakening in many of us is to be embraced and strengthened. I allude to healing and awakening, as muscles that need ongoing workout. They get stronger with time and practice. As we cultivate more love, more compassion and gratitude, our thinking alters into a calmer state. As we switch from material beings to soulful ones, perhaps we become better versions of ourselves.
May we all shine our light for one another. May we create a new reality based on mutual love and respect.
Sending you all, much love and light.