Facing our inner demons…
…in the year 20–20 of inner laser vision
I received a beautiful saying this morning from my gorgeous soul sister about 2020 not being the year to get everything one wants but a year to absolutely appreciate everything one has. A year to evaluate and reflect on who and what truly counts. It got me profoundly thinking of how this year has gone by in flash. We are nearly there, Christmas 2020 is in 6 weeks. In normal times, there would be the shopping lists, the corporate parties, the anticipation of Christmas concerts, school carol services, Christmas fairs. Not quite this year as my children are recording their school orchestra pieces online, and no prospect of a mince pie over mulled wine or a cup of tea whilst casually chatting to their lovely teachers. But this is the point I make. I am grateful that at least our children get to go to school, get to meet their peers, and get to truly appreciate the opportunities they have, albeit in different settings. We know of so many souls who will be less fortunate, so many children of their age who may go to school for their main meals, not just for formal education. As we witness a rise in homelessness and food bank donations, as a parent it is my utmost duty to encourage my children to cultivate compassion and gratitude. But also, remind them how worthy they are and loved they are. Only then perhaps, they would be better equipped to face their Inner Demons now and later in life.
Did it take a virus to make us all face our Inner Demons and zoom into ourselves? Too often we are harsh critics of others as we are so critical of ourselves. Too often we look down at others in utter arrogance as we fail to acknowledge our insecurities. We have this inner voice that reminds us how too many are untrustworthy as we reduce our ability to build trust in ourselves or be compassionate to the suffering of others as we suffer deeply from childhood wounds and harsh parenting. Often we misjudge others with a lack of compassion as we feel unworthy of love. Often we are unable to love and respect others if we were brought up in survival mode, rather than in a sacred space of love and respect. In a world of commoditised relationships and ‘need to have’, have we lost ourselves to our Inner Demons? Are we strong enough to face them, acknowledge their existence but counterbalance them with our Inner Angels? Do we need to be victims with broken wings or can we fix ourselves, to reach our full potential as beautiful beings, who radiate and shine? Can we unshackle ourselves from our heavy darkness and negativities?
I read a beautiful piece this afternoon that mentioned striking a balance between giving and taking. This in itself is highly subjective, but it triggered a line of thinking about balancing our inner thoughts and our worthiness. I do believe that altruism is one of the lovely and natural ways for us to zoom into ourselves. By giving the best of us to humanity and learning from others helps us grow our spiritual selves and address the Inner Demons lurking inside. Sitting with ourselves in Meditation, transporting ourselves to our personal heaven, or just simply being in nature can have magical healing powers. However, we truly need to love ourselves and learn to have a positive relationship with ourselves before we can truly conquer the Demons. I have no quick fix for that, but the technique can be learnt…There are wonderful souls around to guide us, souls with this ability to create uncomfortable shifts deep, deep, deep inside of us. Our Inner Demons are here to teach us a lesson and help us grow, however, we can throw less energy at them and shift our thinking.
As a parting meditation, imagine a laser-sharp beam of light zooming into your hearts, slowly expanding, slowly opening out. Breath into it, zero your noisy thoughts, and keep on breathing. You are now shining and glowing inside and outside. Face the Inner Demons shrinking in size and energy, after thanking them. Gratitude is a powerful force to help shift our perspectives and acknowledge our personal experiences. Remember you are loved and more importantly remember to love yourself. Remember you have this beautiful ability to zoom into yourself and unmask your true self and beauty. Remember that your inner happiness depends on you and you alone; your Inner Demons are a reminder perhaps that blaming people and situations will keep you in that dark place. Bring out the Inner Angel and Light and learn to effortlessly glide in joy with profound gratitude. Bring out the Inner Angel to fearlessly shine the Real You.