Human Evolution

… vision of hope and optimism

Ruks Moreea
4 min readNov 28, 2020
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Is it just me or do many of you share my feeling of great Human Evolution is in the making? Call it gentle ageing or an increment in maturity if you will, but the energy we seem to share is one for making good living better. It feels how we have opened a line of question, not that we ever did not question. But increasingly it feels now that these were shallow questions, shallow complaints, shallow chit chats. A few years ago, a very bright and talented soul said to me: the problem is we have no major problem. Three years later, I reminded him of his comment; we both agreed, that this world semi-stagnation was not what we had in mind, but perhaps what was needed to correct and perhaps awaken us all.

We all agree now that perhaps we had been going in overdrive and that like lemmings we were dropping into an abyss of some form. Our Governments did what they did best: dictate terms in the name of Democracy or not, whether we liked it or not. Of course, we are still being dictated and most of us feel helpless on the grand scale of things. Most of us are fortunate enough to enjoy the freedom that many do not, however many of us are and will be forced to bail out the failings of our system or suffer from the poor investments in our health or education system. Still, most of us are grateful for what we have and yet some will criticise a perfectly good and working system, as often it feels we are never happy with what we have. Such criticisms are largely ego-driven, but I have high hopes that this programmed thought-formatting and arrogance will increasingly shrink.

The grass is greener in the West when we are from the East or in the North when we reside in the South. How about we focussed on what counts and focus on building stronger foundations of our PRESENT location, in the NOW, rather than playing avoidant? I believe that being avoidant of being truly PRESENT is detrimental to our evolution, that being overly critical clouds our beautiful ability to adapt and be malleable and creates unnecessary noise that creates our own suffering and suffering around us. Mentally it can be draining, this insatiable quest to be discontent to prove a point! How about we create beautiful stories and narratives? How about we hold healthy exchanges rather than unhealthy comparisons. If life is nothing but an illusion, and we were just part of a Matrix-type experiment, wouldn’t free-flowing growth be beneficial to our evolution?

We are thinking beings, our life experiences are a series of stories and our joys and sufferings are stories we tell ourselves. Of course, I am not advocating suffering in silence when we are being abused, bullied, or tortured. By all means, I am not advocating total obliteration of past trauma and adopting a complete shut down of communication and expression of feelings. What I would advocate is observation and accepting of the pain, suffering and discontent, and effectively learn to communicate to heal rather than just to vent. That could perhaps contribute to our individual human evolution, by us individually building on our mental resilience and ripple across. Learning to build compassion and respect for ourselves, regardless of our past mistakes and ripple across.

Rather than being the forever critical complainer, I believe that we can build our individual selves to become sustainable builders of society by building stronger mental constructs and visions of what we want for a better and stronger World. A society built on general human malaise is doomed I feel, and in direct conflict to a great Human Evolution. I firmly believe that until we disrupt our past selves, heal and re-build ourselves within a space of self-love and self-respect, we can gently ripple our energies and pave ourselves in rebuilding our foundations. Before attempting to save our World, learn to save ourselves. As a lovely and beautiful soul says: wear your oxygen mask before helping your fellow passengers. Co-creating for US, rather than just creating for ME. As another lovely soul once said, let us focus to change ME to WE. Uncanny how just a change in a letter of the alphabet or a 180-degree turn of the same letter can potentially bring collective change to the meaning of humanity and our TRUE purpose in life.

Life is a journey, with some downs and many ups. In our limited time, I hope we can learn and grow from our experiences and each other. That we honour our lights and shine for each other in utmost respect and love. Not all of us are psychics or mind readers, but trust me once we learn to silence our noise we can tune more into one another. We can then perhaps realise that we all want the same thing: better for ourselves, our children, loved ones and humanity at large. We cannot convert the World in one day, but we can take small baby steps to better ourselves for the sake of others. That is the start of a grand Human Evolution. We are individually at different stages of our Evolution. Building awareness and growing from this awareness is part of our Human Evolution.

May we all Awaken from our slumber and enjoy a beautiful Evolution.



Ruks Moreea
Ruks Moreea

Written by Ruks Moreea

Alternative Thinker. Lover of All Things Good & Life. Interested in humanity, spirituality, conscious parenting and human energy. MSc Psychology,PhD, FRSPH

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