The opposite of fear is excitement!

Ruks Moreea
4 min readFeb 27, 2021


Photo by the author: “Snow Moon- a time to Manifest”

We are designed to discover and to learn through the power of touch and through our limitless sense of risk-taking as young crawlers. As toddlers, we have very little concept of fear as our curiosity to discovering our world takes precedence. However, we have learnt to live in inherited fear, from the continuous “No don’t touch this or don’t do that, eeeks no, it’s dirty”, which inevitably would trigger our fear pathways and create an aversion for our natural instinct for the discovery of the unknown. “Don’t or else face consequences”. As a new parent, I fell into the same trap and am pretty sure most of us try our very best to avoid being like our parents, but it is a huge challenge to break from the norm. As parents of young children, we seek advice and parenting become a series of prescriptive guidelines! Do we overprotect our children out of love or fear? Fear of not being good enough or out of unconditional love for wanting the best for our children? Or do we do it to make us feel and look good in society? But in all of this quest to become better parents and better people, are we quelling our ability to live in excitement?

Allow me to define what I mean by excitement. To me, living in excitement is experiencing true joy, without being irresponsible and being socially unacceptable! Excitement does not mean living life on the edge or in extremes! Naturally, we all know that there are dire consequences of adopting and modelling bad habits that can lead to destructive paths. Society for too long has fallen prey to extremes, be it from rigid thinking to overthinking, from over-consumerism to soul-destroying addiction or substance abuse! It feels like perhaps some of us are addicted to creating our own pain and suffering by forever criticising the very same system we help maintain that very discomfort. Keeping things simple, noiseless and uncomplicated is almost a conundrum for many. Would that stem from a fear of simplicity by placing firm boundaries around us? Does our people-pleasing tendency stem from the fear of being perceived as the ‘Bad Guy’? I believe that for too long many of us are used to treating people as commodities, a habit that perhaps stems from a lack of self-respect and respect for others. Could these poor judgements and habits stem from fear?

A continuous evaluation of our physical safety pushes us into the boundaries of repression and paranoia, which is ironical, as this is detrimental to our mental safety. Many of us choose or often feel safer to live in silence or in silencing others. I believe that forcing doubt and inhibiting expression for ourselves and from others can lead us to a dark place. To me, questioning our self-worth and that of others, repressing our truths and masking our true selves often stem from the fear of showing our authenticity to others. Perhaps, stepping into our worthiness whilst searching deeper into ourselves in silence transmutes fear to excitement, and transmutes doubt to finding our true purpose of the core of our journey. Ultimately, living in the excitement is a journey of self-discovery. Perhaps, when we become aware of our fears, it is a sign that we are being triggered into finding our expansion and growth.

I think it is high time we ditch the old false self-belief of not being good enough or strong enough. Strength transcends gender. Let go of patriarchal and old-fashioned thinking of putting men and women in opposing power. Life is best in lived in partnership and in integration and not in a continuous fight over, power. “I am a Woman or I am a Man” should perhaps be rephrased as “I am a sovereign and dignified being with Masculine and Feminine Energies”. Granted we cannot control our biological abilities as only women hold the magic of life creation but we do need men in that very creation of a beautiful child. That in itself puts the World population in a place of powerful and beautiful equality.

So my dear readers, do we need to fear who we are, do we need to fear one another when we take the stance that we are ALL equal beings with the power to create a life full of exciting possibilities? 2020 was maybe the spiritual wake up call we all needed. Some would even allude it to an earthquake, as cracks in our societies became more visible if not, deeper. We cannot pretend to be able to patch society up just as a quick-fix temporary measure. Society and humanity need healing, but that healing starts individually. We can somewhat be more balanced, act in equal partnership and power-sharing.

The world is in an exciting phase of transition and change as we ALL hopefully learn to step out of our old shed-skins and learn to let go of fear. Fear limits us ALL from achieving a joyful life, as fear begets fear, just as hate begets hate. I believe that hate, bitterness and anger often stem from fear. But we ALL hold the power to make small changes to individual selves, only perhaps when it feels right for us. We all hold the beautiful choice to step away from self-limiting beliefs that very often stem from fear. We all hold the magic of transmuting the heaviness of surviving in Fear to the magic of living with Excitement. It is only but a mere choice. If anything, my personal experience has somewhat proven that only when one is ready, one CAN absolutely manifest a beautiful journey, full of true joy and excitement.

Sending you all Light and Love on this Snow Moon. Feel her power and enjoy exciting times ahead, full of discovery, hope and joy.



Ruks Moreea

Alternative Thinker. Lover of All Things Good & Life. Interested in humanity, spirituality, conscious parenting and human energy. MSc Psychology,PhD, FRSPH