Unlearning to Relearn
We are not fixed or final
It is an ongoing thing
This Soul learning…
Is not just literacy
Or numeracy
It is an ongoing adventure
Of learning from each other.
Wisdom has no copyright
View imposing has no right
In free-flowing learning
In growth and thinking.
Every World Being
In Human form or not
Has a lesson to teach
An exchange to make
A right to be heard
And a right to be listened to.
Being aware of the beauty
Held in each and every one of us
Can make us more compassionate
For our happier Place.
We make our own joys
If we switch our learning
From being rigid and systematic
To being free-flowing
And perhaps… romantic.
A Walk in nature to Listen to birds
The ruffles of leaves and
Observing the scuttling squirrels
Enjoying the waves of children’s laughter
The squelching of muddy
Boots and paws
Of happy children and dogs.
And bring yourself
Back to the moment
Of still joy and silent calm.
In the gentle breeze and warm Sun
And learn to learn
What has this immediate surrounding
Has taught you at that moment.
May we All find grounding
May we All learn from one another
May we Unlearn to Learn
From all blessed Beings and Souls
Big and small,
Young and old.
Walking upright or on all fours.
Wise Souls and Nature can teach us
To Relearn About Ourselves
Once we open up
To become our Best and Higher Selves.