We do look forward to reading your views Mr Haque, highly entertaining! I do think that you get conversations starting amidst the scientific misinformation, bigoted views and obtuse narratives! And please do get facts right about roll outs in the U.K. and critically review the various vaccines. The BMJ and Lancet are excellent sources of scientific information!
By all means keep it up and we all look forward to your vitriolic pieces! Grand bravo! And yes Astra does have a good efficacy against Delta, but hey who am I to defend Astra or Pfizer or Sinopharm, Covaxin, sinovac, Moderna or Sputnik. According to you the roll out is too slow. In the U.K. or somewhere else? And please do address your concerns to Mr Javid, and to the 7 million of British patients awaiting for their operations. No doubt you have a solution to that too. By all means, please do address yourself to the many misinformed anti vaxxers. We have no doubt that Pharmaceutical companies and vaccine manufacturers await for your enlightenment to aid with logistics and production of vaccines.
Stay blessed and keep healthy. That is all we can wish fellow humans...